Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hard Rock T-Shirt Quilt

For those of you that know me, you know that my first crafting love is sewing.  I have been sewing since I was 12 years old and started quilting about 15 years ago.
I make this simple "Hard Rock T-Shirt" quilt for my brother for Christmas.  This is my second Hard Rock quilt as I made one for my daughter a few years back.
They had both been collecting Hard Rock T-shirts from all over the world and when they became too small for them to wear, I wanted them to have them as keepsakes and what better way than to incorporate them into a quilt.
My daughter has had hers since 2009 and she loves to snuggle underneath it when watching TV.

32 T-shirts, 2 rolls of stabilizer, 1 package of queen size batting, 10 meters of music themed fabric and lots of thread..... and this is what I came up with for my brother's 91"x68" quilt.
 Here is the back side.  I just love this guitar themed fabric and the large all-over free motion quilting pattern.
This really was a very simple quilt to make and I love how it turned out.
 And.... I always make a personalized label for the back of every quilt.  
I added a few of the T-shirt tags onto the quilt as well.
And here is the quilt that I made for Meagan in 2009.
 The back side.
 and.... the label.


  1. This is the coolest quilt EVER! I've been collection tshirts from the Hard Rock for about 20 years and I have no idea what to do with all of them (since I don't really wear them anymore). I used to be a sewer, and made a quilt in high school home ec class, but nothing that fancy. I LOVE THIS!!!

    Happy Sharefest!

  2. That is so so cool! popped in from SITS :)


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