Awe-inspiring - Definition A adjective 1 amazing, awe-inspiring, awesome, Inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
There are several places that are awe-inspiring for me; the trip to the Grand Canyon is one of them. Just like my trip to the Eiffel Tower and Stonehenge; I was amazed at the enormity and beauty. I’m not really sure what I expected but I do know that I did not expect it to take my breath away.
This weeks challenge at Papercraft Star is to create a layout based on one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Perfect timing.....I routed through my stash and came across Little Yellow Bicycle’s “Pack your Bags” line and decided it was the perfect fit for this layout. For all of you making a “bucket list”, you must add a trip to the Grand Canyon….. Until next time, Enjoy!
“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take” Wayne Gretzky
Dale turned 55 this past Sunday and among the family celebrations – doesn’t matter how old you are, you always get a birthday party!..... was the sadness that he decided to retire from playing hockey. The timing was perfect; hockey season starts at the end of September. But this decision did not come lightly, nor did it happen overnight. Dale has been playing hockey since he was a little boy and loves every aspect of the game, but none more than the camaraderie and getting to be line-mates with his younger brother, Ted. He played right wing for the Oakridge Broncos… or the “Oakridge Buffoons” as I liked to call them, and played 2-3 times a week as it was part of his regular exercise routine. He would come home after each game and tell me about the amazing pass that was made to him by Ted and how he put it in the net! He had the excitement of a small child in his voice and, just like his golf game, I got the full play-by-play details. I think the highlight from all those years of playing was the handful of times that Dale was able to play with Ted and Craig. Sometimes Dale’s team was short players (usually over the Christmas break) so Craig was “pulled up”…..How many people can say that they played on the same team as their son! It really made my heart sing when I was witness to this special event and as most of you know how emotional I am; I usually had a tear in my eye.
I knew how important this time was to him and tried hard not to make a big deal out of his deciding to quit. I am pretty sure it was one of the hardest decisions that he has had to make. Sometimes the body just knows when it’s time to take on something a little less physical.
There is a sign that hangs in the SAIT Trojans Hockey Team dressing room, and since having two people in my house play hockey full time, it has ALWAYS been our motto.
“We don’t really need heroes, we just want to win. If you’re a hero tonight, that’s fine But if you’re not the next night You better help someone else be a hero”
So in honor of Dale’s commitment and service to the team, we will have a retiring jersey ceremony and hang #7 from the rafters of our basement!
Neon lights, casinos and over-the-top attractions make Las Vegas the ultimate destination. Our families just spent 6 days there in celebration of Kaia Howell’s 21st birthday and had a blast! It's been a busy week but I wanted to get this layout posted, so I apologize for the "short" blog.....
This weeks’ layout challenge at Creative Scrappers was sketch #120 and I had the perfect photo. ‘til next time……. Enjoy!
Summer is over…..Meagan has gone back to work in England, Craig has gone back to university in Lethbridge, the weather is miserable and my flowers have seen better days…. But on a bright note, Highland dance class started up again (ya da da da Miss Lorna)... missed my dancing girls!, Friday night scrappin’ with the “BWB” gals is back in full-force with the great friends that I get to hang out with and Shabby Chic classes at the Scrap Yard have begun - full of laughter. Pop by the Scrap Yardand check out the Basic Grey Page-of-the Month class on September 29th , I’m teaching it this month.
I missed my weekly “inspiration” Shabby Chic classes with Lynn Thune, the creative genius behind this layout that we created on Thursday……
Isn’t this what summer is all about? Meagan, Jake and Craig on a hike in Kananaskis country when they came upon a sign that said “bears in the area”, they decided that they should pose as bears!
So after a few days of depression about having a very quiet house I’m back into the regular routine and it feels good….. ‘til next time…. Enjoy!
“Railroad station, midnight trains lonely airports in the rain and somebody stands there with tears in their eyes It's the same old scene, time after time that's the trouble with all mankind, somebody's always saying goodbye Taxi cabs leave in the night Greyhound buses with red tail lights someone's leaving and someone's left behind Well I don’t know how things got that way but every place you look these days somebody's always saying goodbye” Anne Murray
The airport can be a sad and happy place all at the same time. Last week it was the happiest place on earth for me as Meagan and Jake arrived home for a summer visit. Today it is the saddest place as they left to go back “home” to England.