Over the last 2 weeks my friend Maureen and I have been working on these very large 12 pane antique window frames.
We started by spending an entire afternoon scraping off the old caulking from each of the glass openings, removing all the old metal pins that held each pane of glass in the wood and sanding the frame down to remove most of the old cracked and peeling paint. We then painted one coat of white varnish over the frame to seal it and leave it looking a little shabby.
Then the fun began.... driving from one antique store to another in search of trinkets and treasures to display in each window opening. We spent a couple of days in search of all our treasures and we had a blast! We found old keys, door lock plates, knobs, window latches, drawer pulls, mini wreaths and locks. I think we bought enough to create another window frame!
Each pane of my frame represents things that are special in my life. Starting with my favorite saying, which I printed onto canvas and then sewed to a piece of burlap.
And a couple of sketches from my favorite book "When We Were Very Young" by A.A. Milne
A few of mine and my husband's favorite childhood photos hung on chickenwire with tiny red clothespins.
My favorite letter "K" and number "7". We had two new pieces of glass cut and I used black vinyl to create a chandelier (thanks to my friend Susan Tutt for that idea), the word "Home" and the heart that contains a favorite Helen Keller quote.
The finished product hangs in my family room.