When I became pregnant with our second child in June of 1989 my husband Brad was very ill and we didnt know how much time he had. we were sitting around one evening discussing various things we had never done. I guess you could call it a bucket list, but I wasn't aware of that term back then.
I told him that I had never ridden in a limousine. I wondered what it would be like to take a ride in a fancy car with its comfortable plush seats and chauffeur. Months passed and as Brad became more ill, he said to me one evening; "after you have the baby, I'm going to surprise you with something". We didn't have a lot of money so I couldn't really imagine what it would be, other than a special home cooked meal.
As fate would have it, Brad passed away on February 8, 1990 taking the surprise to the grave.... Or so I thought!
I never thought any more about it and went on to give birth to our son on March 12th.
I was discharged from the hospital a few days later (yes, they kept you in for 3-5 days back then!) and my family came to pick me up. My Mother, brother and 5 year old daughter. As I walked through the hospital doors, you will never guess what pulled up in front..... A stretch limousine!
I sat down inside and read the card that was sitting on the seat waiting for me.
Tears rolling down my face and my daughter jumping all over the seats in excitement. Brad had asked a few of his close friends to pool their money together and organize this ride for me. We took the long way home, the scenic route if you will, and arrived home to a clown waiting on the front steps with a huge bunch of balloons.
I was overcome with emotion and couldn't believe that he organized it all while laying on his death bed in the hospital.
I will never forget that day 24 years ago and sometimes when I see a limousine driving by me I think about my special ride.
Sadly this was not my first ride in a limousine as I rode in one on the way to Brad's funeral a month earlier. It may not have been my first, but it certainly was my most memorable.
Today is the 24th anniversary of his death, so I buy a red rose to remember him and take a little quiet time for myself today to think about all the wonderful memories we made.
Love you and miss you every day Brad.
"And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain But I'd have had to miss the dance"
Garth Brooks