Branding is more than just your company name, logo or tag line.....It's the entire experience your company has with their customers.
Every brand makes a promise and that promise serves as a differentiator between you and your competitors. My promise is not to just sell you a baby blanket but rather to make the experience not only fast and easy but also enjoyable.
The key to branding is consistency. Does your logo convey something that you are selling or is it just a cute picture that might end up confusing someone? My logo is a baby pram, quite simple but who doesn't associate a baby when seeing the pram? The colour scheme is soft and feminine to attract women. I keep this consistent throughout my marketing materials from my invoices, business cards, gift cards etc.
I use one source for all my marketing materials and FreshBooks for my accounting. FreshBooks allows the customer to keep their brands consistent by using their online invoicing system. It can help to keep your brand consistent by easily inserting your business logo. Keeping things aesthetically pleasing and professional at the same time. All my social media accounts have the same flow keeping consistent in my branding. Social media sites contain the largest amount of connections so every single piece of media that you share should support your brand image.
Try using emotional triggers to strengthen the customer's loyalty. I try and make them feel like they are part of the buying experience by allowing them as much input in the design process as possible. An important factor in buying from Sun 7 Designs is to make the customer's life easier.
In the end, branding and marketing is a long road and an on-going process. Setting up your accounts is one step, the real challenge is actively participating. Have fun with it and keep it consistent.
Check out my Website and Facebook page to view my products and connect with Sun 7 Designs. Let me create something special for your little one with one of my custom designed personalized baby blankets.